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  • Charles L Robinson Jr.

Straight Road of Convictions

Updated: Oct 19, 2022

Conviction can be defined as, 1: State of being convinced or strongly persuaded 2: Act of convinced untruths or compelling of the admission of truth 3: Firm belief(s) possessed 4: Being found or proven guilty. All possess conviction(s) meaning all are found guilty of being convinced or persuaded (of something); and firm beliefs possessed (of something.) One's questions: What are the convinced or persuaded issues? Are the convinced or persuaded issues truthful or untruthful (biblical based)? What temptations face the convinced or persuaded issues? Does the temptations alter (or remain on the straight road of) the convinced or persuaded?

The issue was that Simon Peter was convinced and persuaded of Jesus (as Christ, the anointed one, the Son of the living God - John 6:60,66-69.) It was truthful for Peter to remain convinced and persuaded to follow Jesus - because of who Jesus was. Disturbances, discomforts, illogics, impracticality, and perceptions of difficulty to overcome (obstinacy of doctrines, etc.) were some temptations that faced Simon Peter's continuous followship of Jesus. Simon Peter remained in followship of Jesus throughout disturbances, discomforts, illogics, impracticality, and perceptions of obstinacy (of doctrines, etc.) greatly due to his acceptance of who Jesus was (the Christ, the anointed one, the Son of the living God) and not what he - Jesus could do (for him - Simon Peter.) Many other disciples ( in the midst of Simon Peter) were also convinced and persuaded of Jesus. It was truthful that many other disciples continued to follow Jesus. However, when temptations of disturbances, discomforts, illogics, impracticality, and perceptions of difficulty to overcome (doctrines, etc.) were presented, many disciples ( in the midst of Simon Peter) discontinued to follow Jesus. Many disciples were interested in what Jesus could do for them (Jesus's stuff- manifestations, etc.) rather than who Jesus was - the Christ and the two (Jesus's personage and his stuff) were-are one (not separated.) As a result, for many disciples, when Jesus's stuff (miracles, etc.) was present their convictions remained present. When Jesus's stuff (miracles, etc.) was not present their convictions (and physical presence) was not present - they departed following Jesus. At this moment, Simon Peter remained on the straight road (steadfast) of truthful convictions. He discerned disturbances, discomforts, illogics, impracticality, and perceptions of difficulty to overcome (obstinacy of doctrines, etc.) as mere temptations- deterrents and did not allow the temptations - deterrents to alter his truthful convictions of Jesus as Christ and continuous followship of him. Simon Peter remained on the straight road of truthful convictions.

Finally, Charles (Chuckie) III, Caleb (Charles), Aireale, Adrian, Maya, Joan, Charles Sr., and My Beloved, I exhort you all to remain on the straight road of truthful (biblically based) convictions and discern the temptations - deterrents (example of temptations-deterrents: disturbances, discomforts, perceptions of difficulty to overcome, doubt, fear, lack, weariness, false accusations, and the list goes on) that attempt to alter your truthful convictions (examples of biblically based truthful convictions: Jesus as the Son of the living God, the atonement of Jesus Christ, your personal success, and the list goes on.) Originated by Charles L. Robinson Jr. of Edifying Christian Publications.

Many therefore of his disciples, when they heard this, said, This is an hard saying, who can bear it - John 6:60

From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God - John 6:66-69

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