Oftentimes it takes more than oneself involved in a particular circumstance to do his or her part in the circumstance inorder for the overall circumstance to thrive. Each individual person is ultimately responsible to do his or her part (within their limits) within their given part in the circumstance (and in addition provide help to others towards their given parts.) The hope is that all involved do their given parts inorder for the overall circumstance to flourish. However, at the end of the day, as long as each individual person does all he or she can do (within their limits) within his or her part (and continue to help others towards their parts), no matter the overall results, he and she thrives while still hoping, believing, and contributing towards the best for the overall circumstance.
Irrelevant of the various receptions (believe, not believe, like, dislikes, and so forth) and overall results (conversions, non-conversions, and so forth), the Apostle Paul made sure that he done his part by sharing all doctrines of the gospel to all people. Whether his sharing was viewed as help or not help, it was genuinely his way of helping others (for God.) He knew it was ridiculous to believe he could control all circumstances (God gives the increase) but he also knew that if he simply done his part in the given circumstance, that was thriving within itself. Think about this: Did the Apostle Paul win everyone to Christ (the overall goal)? An uncontestable, No. But, at the same time, did the Apostle Paul thrive for God? An uncontestable, Yes. Did the Apostle Paul hope the best for the overall circumstance? Another uncontestable, Yes. So, I pray that each and everyone of you "stay encoraged by simply doing your part".
You and your families have a peaceful yet fun filled plus a little extraordinary day. What an amazing day, in the name of Jesus!
"Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God". Acts 20:26-27
"I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase". 1 Corinthians 3:6
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