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Charles L Robinson Jr.

"No excuse about the factors, it's your current choice" ~ Author Charles L. Robinson Jr.

In our this week's devotion, I want to shortly elaborate on the principle of "No excuse about the factors, it's your current choice" primarily using last week's devotional setting of Jacob and Laban (secondly, Esau.)

Without a doubt, circumstances in life eventually develop several variant factors within themselves (the circumstances) that identify the current status of the circumstances. Also, the current status of circumstances serve as starting points towards future conditions of circumstances. People involved in circumstances at hand have their free will choice to respond to the several variant factors developed within circumstances as they choose. In addition to people's free will choice to respond in the manner they choose in current circumstances at hand, people's current free will choice has a direct effect on future conditions due to their current responses. However, in the midst of the combination of factors and responses, oftentimes responses are the only thing that a person can control in circumstances being that some factors are simply out of one's control in circumstances. With that being said, irrelevant of factors in circumstances (even factors beyond one's control) that defines the circumstance, one should always keep in mind that his or her untouchable power and control in the circumstance is within his or her free will choice within responding. Therefore, one shouldn't make any excuses about the factors in circumstances (even factors beyond one's control) because one's personal choice of response in the circumstance represents his or her control and represents his or her personal positioning regarding the circumstance.

Last week's devotion was a focus on Jacob. This week's devotion we will focus on Labon (and Esau.) Laban's free will choice in his circumstance with Jacob created oppression and deceit in the circumstance - i.e. diabolic conditions. However, Laban's eventual free will choice stopped the oppression and deceit in the circumstance positioning future peace and reconciliation with Jacob and his family. To greater confirm this principle, Esau's eventual free will choice after several years of hatred and bitterness towards Jacob positioned future peace and reconciliation between Esau, Jacob, and Jacob's family. Was it the factors in the circumstances within Laban, Jacob, and Esau that ultimately defined the circumstances? No, it was Laban's, Jacob's, and Esau's personal choices that defined the circumstances. The lesson my beloved is to remember to not make excuses about the current factors within circumstances for future positioning when it really comes down to it being your current free will choice that dictates future conditions. The reason Jacob, Laban, and Esau had future peace and reconciliation was because they chose to have it irrelevant of the past conditions. PARALLELISM OF LOVING RESPONSES AND HATEFUL RESPONSES. You and your families have a peaceful, reconciling, loving, fun-filled, and amazing week and share this devotion with others as a loving reminder that there is power within their personal choices-responses!

"And early in the morning Laban rose up, and kissed his sons and daughters, and blessed them: and Laban departed, and returned unto his place. And Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him" Genesis 31:55; 32:1

"And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him: and they wept" Genesis 33:4

"For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: AND WITH WHAT MEASURE YE METE, IT SHALL BE MEASURED TO YOU AGAIN" Matthew 7:1 (Select Devotions)

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