Today's devotion is an encouragement for protection against disappointments and differences that challenge edifications, exhortations, and continuous good doings. Keep in mind that derogatory connotations don't exclude genuine edification, exhortation, and continuous good doing which has to sink in minds for successful acceptance and reception of this devotion. So, here we go: An example, the issue of "enemy" has a dominant derogatory connotation. However, the very thing (enmity) that challenges edifications, exhortations, and continuous good doing is the very same thing (enmity) that has to be respectfully yet courageously discussed and dealt with in order to protect yourself from disappointments and differences that tempt continuous edification, exhortation, and good doing. Having enemies-those who oppose you (and may continue to oppose you) is inevitable. Who can say that enmity will totally discontinue? Hoping for enmity to totally discontinue is a beautiful thing, however, if enmity doesn't discontinue, the continuation of enmity should not trigger disappointments that tempt continuous edification, exhortation, and good doing. The Holy Bible teaches to love and keep doing good to those who oppose you, it (the Holy Bible) doesn't say that your love and continuous good doing will automatically discontinue those to oppose you. Expecting to receive in return the same edification, exhortation, and good doing that you give to your enemies can be a mistake (you set yourself up for disappointment that tempts edification, exhortation, and continuous good doing) but you always hope for the best (to receive in return from your enemies the same edification, exhortation, and good going that you give to your enemies.) So, remember enemies will exist to some degree (hopefully the degree decreases over the years) but the blessing is that disappointments and differences within enmity doesn't have power over continuous genuine edification, exhortation, and good doing. You and your families have a beautiful day!
"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and the good , and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust." Matthew 5:44-45 (Select Devotions - All Devotions)